Thursday, June 09, 2011


You are right Bob, I can't understand why things have to be so mindlessly  defaced and worse destroyed. But When this part of the Waterfront project is finished, I am certain that we will see these machines restored to their original version. I am looking forward to that.


Krys and Paul said...

This is in North Bay? What is the schedule on the restoration? Looks really interesting.

David c.h. Brown said...

Hi Mike,
This photo is evidence of a segment of our society who are proud of things they should be ashamed of, and ashamed of things they should be proud of. They intend to be recognized as the "sociopathetic" that they really are, and are proud of that. They enjoy mocking the blood that was shed that ensures them this freedom....They piss on cenotaphs. Dave

Anonymous said...

Hope for the future, like a veritable Phoenix from the Ashes. I like happy endings.

Bob Morton said...

I agree. It will be great to see the crud washed off and these magnificent machines restored.
Great shot. The relationship between engine and caboose is a natural.

Carole said...

agree shame about the graffiti but it does add something to the picture. wonderful machines.